

Birth to Three matters: Roamer and Explorer

Children between the ages 1 to 3 follow the British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) ‘Birth to three matters’ curriculum – a framework to support children in their earliest years. Its focus is ‘the child’ and identifies four aspects, which celebrate the skill and competence of babies and young children and highlights the interrelationship between growth, learning, development and the environment in which they are cared for and educated. The four ‘aspects’ are: ➢ A strong child ➢ A skilful communicator ➢ A competent learner ➢ A healthy child Children in this age range can go to school 2, 3 or 5 days per week


Three to Five years old: The developing child Inventor class and Reception class

Children between the ages 3 to 5 years enrolled at Cheeky Monkeys follow the British Foundation Stage curriculum. The foundation stage is a distinct phase of education that prepares young children to move onto Key Stage 1, which we commonly know as Kindergarten. Using this guidance our teachers are able to ensure that their pupils are equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to establish a solid foundation on which to build throughout their future school years and beyond. Our curriculum guidance for the foundation stage sets out six areas of learning covering children’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. All six of these areas of learning and early learning goals are; Personal, social and emotional development; Communication, language and literacy; Mathematical development; Knowledge and understanding of the world; Physical development Creative development Children of this age should attend school 5 days per week.


Five to six years old: Kindergarten

Children between the ages 5 to 6 years enrolled at Cheeky Monkeys learning centre follow the British Key stage 1 curriculum. The UK National Curriculum is used as a basis for its teaching guidelines and learning outcomes. Key stage 1 continues to develop children’s learning, enthusiasm and curiosity through a variety of programmes of study.

During key stage 1, children will study and learn from the following programmes of study; English, Maths, Science, Geography, Physical Education, Music, History, Art and Design, Information and Communication Technology.


Arts and crafts

Children make their own fun at Cheeky Monkeys!! Our staff will support your child make something special and use this for interactive play with other children.


Cooking and Picnic

Cooking class is like teaching science in action; helping to lay down basic math, reading and time-telling skills; encouraging healthy food choices; building confidence and creativity; enhancing communication and deepening connections with children. Indeed, cooking is nothing short of awesome.


Field Trip

Field trips give students educational experiences away from their regular school environment. Popular field trip sites include zoos, rice field, community agencies such as fire stations and hospitals, government agencies. Students visiting different educational facilities learn in a more hands-on and interactive manner than they do in school.


Games & Sport

Sports, whether team-based or individual, are a great activity for children that provide a variety of benefits other than physical activity. Participation in sports can help build self-esteem and confidence, can motivate children to excel academically and can help build social skills. Participation also can teach children the benefits of goal-setting and practice.



Gardening with kids is fun, educational and it is also full of sensory benefits. Children learn about their world using their senses. As children grow and develop, sensory experiences help them make connections and make sense of the world around them.


Lunch and Snack Time

We provide fresh fruits everyday during snack time. We welcome parents to pack their children's favourite healthy biscuits and other snacks.

We work together with professional kitchens to provide fresh and healthy school lunches.


Music & Movement

Young children love the combination of music, movement, rhythm and dance! It allows them to experience the joy of music whilst enabling them to do what comes naturally – to sing, move and dance, expressing themselves with their bodies and being creative, energetic and physical!

Music ignites all areas of child development: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression.


Our Garden & Classrooms

Our Sanur and Nusa dua sites have a big shady tropical garden with trees, play houses, swing and slides and cars and trikes paths. The kids love playing hide and seek, chasing, kicking balls and having picnic under the shade.

We allow plenty of free playtime in our gardens.


Pretend Play

This activity encourages children to use their imagination. It’s not just fun, but it also allow them to work on their social and emotional skills, language and thinking skill.

Learning through role play is so important that within the Early Years Primary classroom and nursery schools, we have an assigned ‘role play area’ in our sites. This area is decorated to suit particular topics and props are left out for children to use and explore.


Sand & Water Play

Sensory play contributes in crucial ways to brain development. Stimulating the senses sends signals to children’s brains that help to strengthen neural pathways that is important for all types of learning. Children are instinctively drawn to sand and water. Sand and water enhances child's development socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically. They learn how to take turns, share, act on their own ideas, solve problem and improve their hand-eye coordination also their gross-fine motor skills.


Sensory Play

Children learn best and retain the most information when they engage their senses. Many of our favourite memories are associated with one or more of our senses.

Exposing children to sensory play helps them develop and refine the use of their senses. Sensory play is divided into five classifications that correspond to the senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. By giving children the opportunity to investigate materials with no preconceived knowledge, we help them develop and refine their cognitive, social and emotional, physical, creative and linguistic skill sets.



Storytelling has amazing benefits in our lives. Stories help children to explain the world, making sense of the insensible. Storytelling is considered as one of the oldest healing arts, a mean to communicate our feelings.

Children are great fans of stories and love to listen to them.